Milk and Cookies on a Cold January Day

In the dead of winter, comfort food such as milk and homemade cookies can be a real treat.  I just filled up my favorite cookie jar up with chocolate chip cookies.  The cookie jar, made by McCoy pottery in the 50s was like the one that sat on the kitchen counter of my folk’s home in Chadron NE.  I keep an old milk jar with vintage white buttons next to it on the counter of my home.  Mom's cookies never lasted long except for the raw peanut cookies that for some reason, no one ate.  Still, I never minded finding one or two in the bottom of the jar on a cold day in January.  My favorite cookies were called  Scotchies.  I have never seen her recipe anywhere else.  They were rich with brown sugar, oatmeal, coconut and pecans….Mom always doubled the amount of pecans.  Happy thoughts on a snowy January day!

What were your favorite cookies that your Mom made for you?