What is in My Button Box?

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Liz and I discovered a wonderful stash of buttons over a year ago.  It was in one of those out of the way places that few stop and fewer shop.  In a funky second hand store that could keep someone busy for hours were dozens of jars of buttons in all shapes and sizes.   The proprietor's eyes got a bit wide when we said that we would take them all.  "Wait", he said, "I have more at home".  We must have looked trustworthy because he left us to mind the shop and he returned with even more buttons.  A deal was struck and we even saved a few bucks by leaving him with the jars.  We dumped all of the buttons into a box and away we went to the car with our treasures.  I couldn't wait to get home and treasure hunt. 

The buttons are now sorted and the stash did not disappoint.  There are some really amazing buttons that were waiting to be discovered in the box.  

We have known for a long time that reference books on buttons are invaluable.  Every serious collector should have a copy of at least one reference book on buttons.  These books will help identify everything from Achilles Playing the Harp brass button to Zuni Pueblo Buttons.   However, there is very little out there for the modern day button enthusiast who wants to know more about the box of buttons that they inherited from their mother or grand mother.  We came to understand while sorting the buttons in our box that the buttons come from a variety of sources and include an amazing assortment of buttons that are commonly found in button boxes and jars.  An idea was born to show you what we found and in doing so, educate you on what you might have in your jar or box.  Starting this week, we will sort through the button box together.  We will post the actual buttons that we found in the box and then show you other examples of each kind of button.  I can't wait to get started!
